Saturday, February 5, 2011

Great Gifts for New Mums

Hi guys no posts yet again ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i suck ha ha but i thought i would do a little list of great gifts for new mums.

When a baby is on the way mothers get an abundance of clothes and toys and a whole lot of things that quite often will never even get used when what they really need is a little rest and some time to bond. So when you pop in for a visit instead of a big pile of pastel covered presents give one of these ideas a go.

  • A Cleaner
  • Frozen Meals are a godsend for a tired new mums
  • Spa Package or Massage
  • Simply walk in the door make her a cuppa or send her for a nap and then go do some washing or any other housework you can help with
  • Nappy Washing Service if she is choosing to cloth diaper
  • Magazine Subscription to her favourite magazine or a parenting magazine for that rare quiet moment or those 2 am feeds
  • Brunch or Lunch when she feels up to it take her out for a meal and if the baby cries offer to hold them or change a nappy whenever you are able so that she can eat her meal without stopping every 2 mins
  • Ironing Lady ironed clothes tend to be one of the first things to go by the wayside for new mums and it's hard enough to find clothes that fit let alone clothes that fit that aren't creased like mad from being bundled in a basket after dropping the washing to tend to a hungry baby
  • A Kind Word keep your advice and tidbits to yourself and just simply let her know she is doing a great job the biggest thing a mum needs is to know is that she is doing well it may not be the way you would do it but she knows her baby better then anyone else so just let her feel it out for herself and let her know she is doing a fantastic job whether she thinks so or not.
Just a few gifts that will make a real difference to a new mum a lot more of a difference then that 25th bodysuit or 6th rattle.

Thanks for reading guys hope this gives you a few ideas and comment below with any ideas of your own and i will do a revised list later in the year with all of them on it (and your name of course)


1 comment:

  1. wish someone looked at this when i had bubs (7 mnths ago)!! lol I got about 1000 bibs! and ten bottles of baby powder!
